


1 海外旅行保険に加入しておけば、いざというときも安心。心置きなく、旅を楽しめます。
2 医療費が高額になる場合もあります。治療費が十分に補填されている海外旅行保険に加入しておけば、不安なく治療を受けられます。
3 医療機関の紹介や通訳サービス、キャッシュレス治療付きの海外旅行保険をおすすめします。(旅行前に保険内容を確認しておくことをお勧めします。例えば、周産期医療については旅行保険適用外のため、高額になる可能性があります。)

Dear travelers to Japan:
It is recommended to take out an overseas travel insurance!
1. An overseas travel insurance makes you feel secure, even in emergencies, and you can enjoy your trip.
2. Medical expenses can be very high in Japan. If the travel insurance you purchased offers sufficient coverage of treatment costs, you can receive treatment without concern.
3. It is recommended to have an overseas travel insurance with travel support for hospital referrals, medical interpretation, and cashless medical service. (We recommend that you check your insurance details before travelling. For example, perinatal medical care is not covered by travel insurance and can be expensive.)